The TERMEXACTALL field specifier (case sensitive) allows you to find documents with a specified field that contains an exact match of all terms specified by you.

NOTE: If the language that you are using does not match the DefaultLanguageType that you have specified in the IDOL Server configuration file, you must add the LanguageType parameter to your query action.



Type multiple terms. A document is only returned if one of yourFields contains exact matches of the specified terms. You can match strings that contain punctuation (but see Note below) or consist of several words.

NOTE: Strings in the query should be percent-encoded. This ensures that any commas or curly braces that are part of a string are not interpreted as query syntax. If you are sending HTTP requests using the content-type application/x-www-form-urlencoded you should then percent-encode all parameter values, meaning that any commas or curly braces that are part of a string are percent-encoded twice (such that a comma is represented by the sequence %252c). For more information, see Percent Encoding in Queries.

yourFields Type one or more fields. A document is only returned if it contains one of these fields, and if this field contains an exact match of all yourTerms. Separate multiple fields with colons (:). There must be no space before or after a colon.



This query returns only documents whose DRETITLE field contains all the specified terms (in their specified form). For example, a document whose DRETITLE field has the value Rabbits like eating carrots or The carrots were there but the rabbits ate all the cabbage is returned as a result, while a document with a field that contains Rabbits like to eat a carrot each day is not returned.


This query returns only documents whose DRETITLE or TITLE field contains all the specified terms (in their specified form). For example, a document whose DRETITLE or TITLE field has the value Most cake recipes include milk, eggs and flour is returned as a result, while a document with a field that contains Use a cup of milk, two cups of flour and one egg is not returned.

See Also